Catalina Ciucu

Elsk, forstå og plej dig selv. Og vigtigst af alt, tal med dig selv på samme måde, som du ville gøre med dine kære.

Det, jeg har tænkt mere og mere over, er begreberne ufuldkommenhed, balance og ærlighed. Ufuldkommenhed: Som en generel regel sætter flertallet standarderne. Ofte bliver disse standarder til den rigtige vej, den ideelle vej, den perfekte vej. Ironisk nok har vi taget ideen om, at perfektion ikke findes, til os, men alligevel søger vi den konstant og ubarmhjertigt. Det, vi ofte ikke indser, er, at mange ting i livet er helt uperfekte. Vores valg, visioner, lidenskaber, ønsker, oplevelser, tanker, sympatier og antipatier kan være helt uperfekte. Ufuldkommenhed opretholder balancen i livet og universet. Balance: Det er mit indtryk, at vi ikke taler nok om balance. Som mennesker har vi en indre tendens til at placere os selv i ekstremerne. Vi bruger meget tid på at tale om og tænke på lykke og sorg. Så udmatter vi os selv ved at føle dem og ignorerer, at det, der faktisk gavner os, er balance. Balance er svært at opretholde og sandsynligvis umuligt at holde uafbrudt, men det er et behov, som vi bør flytte vores fokus hen imod.

Love, understand and nurture yourself. And most importantly, talk to yourself the same way you would do with your love ones.

What I have found myself contemplating more and more about are the concepts of imperfection, balance, and honesty. Imperfection: As a general rule, majority sets the standards. Often these standards become the right path, the ideal path, the perfect path. Ironic enough, we have embraced the idea that perfection does not exist, yet we constantly and relentlessly seek it. What we often fail to realize is that many things in life are perfectly imperfect. Our choices, visions, passions, desires, experiences, thoughts, likes and dislikes can be perfectly imperfect. Imperfection maintains the balance of life and univers. Balance: It is my impression that we do not talk enough about balance. As humans we have an inner tendency to place ourselves in the extremes. We spend significant amount of time talking and thinking about happiness and sadness. Then we exhaust ourselves feeling them, ignoring that what actually benefits us is balance. Hard to maintain and probably impossible to keep uninterrupted, balance is a need towards which we should shift our focus. Honesty: I consider honesty the highest form or courage and a truly empowering quality. Strongly related to knowing ourselves and understanding our limitations, honesty is a powerful tool to navigate life. It can be burdensome to attain because it seems a frightening journey. But once becoming used to being honest, there is a rewarding feeling that balances fear with power. Honesty-Imperfection-Balance. These concepts may seem unrelated, but to me, they are connected. When being honest you are shielding yourself and have the power to be true to yourself, free to be who you are, even if imperfect. And precisely this is what equilibrates life and counterbalances the standards and stereotypes.

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Broken machine – Nothing But Thieves

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