About the project - 100 Power Portraits

Welcome to an exciting visual experience that awakens multiple senses. This exhibition is not just a collection of beautiful portraits; it is a carefully curated gallery of human archetypes, each demonstrating the beautiful diversity of our modern society.

Each woman has shared something about herself, a story, a visual symbol, a song, etc. The sum of the information shared has created a personal portrait – an archetype that can help understand her as a person. Have you found someone who reminds you of yourself, your sister, your ex or maybe someone you’d like to be friends with?

Explore each portrait, join us on this journey. Get carried away by each story and let it inspire you to embrace your own Power. Because true Power doesn’t know gender or special life circumstances, only potential and an open mindset.

Continue reading below about the project – or click here for more info:

Socio-art - an introduction to the term

Socio-art is a new concept adopted and pioneered by Molly Marina – Denmark’s first socio-artist. Socio-art combines the theoretical and practical knowledge and empirical data of the humanities and social sciences – such as social work, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, and others – with the many forms of art to bring attention to specific issues. It’s a tool to create change by addressing even the most difficult topics without pointing fingers. It’s a kind of “life imitates art-art imitates life” principle with a solid scientific backing from the respective scientific fields. A socio-artist will usually have a degree in at least one of the humanities/social sciences.

Adding new but recognizable perspectives - one portrait at a time: A socio-artistic manifesto

The project “100 Portraits of Copenhagen’s Power Women 2023” is more than just a beautifully photographed portrait – it is a socio-artistic shift that combines artistic aspects and effects with written communication that stimulates multiple senses to address various social issues.

We spark dialogues and inspire new perspectives and action through socio-art, where each portrait acts as a source of inspiration and potentially a catalyst for social transformation.

The Power women in Copenhagen share their thoughts and tell their stories, creating certain personal profiles – different archetypes that people can recognize or mirror themselves in. It’s natural to find someone you can relate to in one way or another.

By redefining what it means to be a “Power Women”, we set the stage for a more inclusive concept: “Power People”. We invite everyone to redefine their own narrative of power, whether you are a woman or a man.

The Power project does not follow trends but follows its own guidelines. We celebrate the diversity of the many unique but recognizable human stories that make up the fabric of our modern society. We see a future where “Power People” of all genders can recognize each other’s differences and instead become great at complementing each other where needed. We believe in the transformative potential of socio-art to help bring this future about.

Join us on this artistic journey as we embrace new perspectives on power and everything in between – through aesthetically pleasing portraits, personal stories, and thought-provoking questions.

The physical exhibition "100 Portraits of Copenhagen's Power Women 2023"

The project was on display in October 2023 at Rådhuspladsen in the heart of Copenhagen. The design was hand-built columns of just over 3 meters high, on each column a question was posed for visitors to the exhibition to answer. Each Power participating woman was presented on the pillar via a portrait and a personal quote, as well as a QR code that led to individually designed profile pages filled with multimedia elements where you could learn a little more about each woman.

Portraits are taken by Molly who has chosen a distinctive look for the project that is carefully selected to fit with the overall Power theme. Inspired by old Hollywood, distinctive sharp shadows and highlights are created to create a 3-dimensional look that adds drama and excitement – the dark background signals Power.

The exhibition was scheduled to run from October 18 to October 28, 2023. The exhibition was left standing for 5 days, due to vandalism. Read more here.

With a Power mindset, anything is possible.

Come, let us collectively experience this innovative exhibition, celebrate the Power People, and embrace the diversity of thought that is shaping our world today.

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