The goal of the 100 Portraits of Copenhagen’s Power Women 2023 edition is to ignite conversations about the diverse facets of Power in women, challenging stereotypes and opening dialogue. lt aims to humanize the concept of Power, showing that it doesn’t fit one mold or one gender. By highlighting individual traits through carefully sculpted portraits, the project allows viewers to find pieces of themselves or their loved ones in the subjects. All of this feeds into a larger dialogue about gender, power, and how we see these constructs in society.
Introduction: A Pro-People Project Inspired by UN’s World Development Goal No. 5
Welcome to the 100 Portraits Exhibition, a project that goes beyond mere photography to become a socio-artistic shift aiming for a more balanced and equitable society. Our inspiration stems from the United Nations’ World Development Goal number five—Gender Equality. But what does gender equality mean to us?
We see gender equality not as a zero-sum game where one gender is elevated above another, but as a harmonious balance. We aim to stop the pendulum from swinging from one extreme to another and find a middle ground—a common narrative that acknowledges each other’s differences, strengths, and weaknesses. We believe that complementing each other is the key to a better future.
We are a pro-people project, and our mission is to connect like-minded individuals who share some of our core values. While we may not agree on everything, we find unity in our common goals and aspirations. This exhibition is not just a showcase of portraits; it’s a platform for dialogue, for sharing, and for collective growth.
So, as you navigate through these carefully sculpted portraits and engage with the narratives, remember that this is also a space for you to share and be heard. We invite you to join us in this journey towards a more inclusive understanding of power, diversity, and gender.
Our concept
At this one-of-a-kind exhibition, you’re not just a spectator-you’re a participant. Navigate through portraits of 100 diverse women from Copenhagen while pondering questions that could win you your own photoshoot. More than an art display, this is a collective exploration into what power, diversity, and gender mean to us. Here, you’re not only inspired, you’re also given the space to share and be heard.
When we talk about power, we often focus on traditional traits like strength and assertiveness. But what about the subtler factors that shape influence? Traits like empathy, emotional intelligence, and even sensual capital—the social value accrued from physical attractiveness or charisma—often enter the conversation. In this exhibition, you’ll encounter women who embody a rich tapestry of qualities, some traditionally considered feminine, others not. Each wields her own form of power.
Does the feminine factor, infused with elements of sensual capital, shape that power differently? Or is the concept of power more individualistic, transcending gender and appearance? This question invites contemplation but defies simple answers. As you explore this visual journey, ponder how the feminine factor—and sensual capital—resonate with your own ideas of power.
What you’re seeing here isn’t just an exhibit; it’s a mirror reflecting a myriad of stories, talents, and voices that shape the fabric of Copenhagen. These power women could be anyone—a neighbor, a friend, a colleague. And though their faces may be unfamiliar, their stories are universal. This project, while celebrating women, extends beyond gender. Its essence is about human power: the ability we all possess to create change, to influence, and to inspire. These portraits are more than images; they’re a catalyst for reflection and dialogue. As you encounter these images, consider them not just as portraits but as windows into diverse worlds. Find the one that mirrors you, not just in appearance but in spirit. Because discovering someone who shares your story, taste in music, or even a favorite quote can be a transformative moment. It’s not just seeing; it’s recognizing, and in that recognition, finding empowerment.
Each woman in the exhibit has a special banner at the bottom of her profile. This banner is created by Artificial intelligence, which uses the personal stories and details each woman has shared to design a unique symbol just for her. Think of it as a digital charm that captures something essential about the person. lt’s a modern, fun twist that makes each profile even more special.
As you explore each woman’s profile, you’ll find it layered with meaning – infused with her personal story, favorite quote, chosen symbol, resonant colors, and even a song that represents her. This multifaceted approach offers a deeper look into the unique dimensions of each featured woman, inviting you to engage more fully with the exhibition.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Pouline Middleton
Home is where the heart is.
Jeanette Knudsen
Live by the 3 Gs: do Good deeds; Go out; Giggle a lot. It brings strength within and radiates outward.
Christina Schärfe Lambach
The pace of change has never been this fast yet it will never be this slow again. - Justin Trudeau
Johanne Gjerløv
To have a big impact, new solutions need to be rolled out on a large scale.
Anne Sophie Vinther Hansen
Everyone is their own lucky charm.
Maria Krüger Torp
If you fall, stand up tall, dust off and try again like no one is watching.
Hilde Seljom
I've never done that before, so I'm sure I can do it. - Pippi Longstocking
Kristine Winther
Believe you can and you’re halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt
Maj Hedtjärn
After all, the legacy we leave behind comes not from what we are but who we are and how we chose to navigate in life.
Trine Kall Christensen
I will find my way.
Jenny-Margrethe Vej
No is an invitation to negotiate.
Phaedria St Hilaire
She changed, but not overnight like in the books you read. Over years. Slowly and painfully. Sometimes brutally. But she did.
Mette Kuhlen Gullach
Perfection is the enemy of progress. - Winston Churchill
Rikke Juul Rokkedal Therkildsen
I asked the tree what it would teach me, the tree replied that everything just is. I asked the Universe how it works, the Universe replied - effortless.
Yun Ladegaard
Consciousness is a movement we must learn to train better in order to form the new world.
Gitte Madelaire
Don’t take criticism from people you would never go to for advice.
Kirsten Sasady
Never regret a day in your life.
Britt Davidsen
If there is any doubt - there is no doubt.
Katrine Gilberg
The role as a mother has sharpened how effective I am. I'm still experimenting with whether the role is compatible with being a CEO. Maybe it's not just me that needs to change, but the role of CEO needs to change as well.
Clarissa Eva Leon
You always have a choice.
Bodil Biering
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Stella Alamil
Be that girl who wakes up with purpose and intent. Be that girl who shows up and NEVER gives up. Be that girl who believes anything is possible and is willing to work for it.
Anja Falk Riecke
The smile is the shortest distance between two people - Victor Borge
Sophie Hytteballe
Find something to strive for and be happy with yourself and your life.
Katrine Grathe
Stop dreaming and start realizing your dreams - everything is achievable, it's all about believing in yourself and going after it with focus.
Ninet Richardt
Perspective is power. You can look at your journey as limited. Or, you can see your path as a place full of potential, good surprises, and infinite growth opportunities. Either nes you choose, you will be correct. - Cory Allen
Marie Stæhr
Anything worth doing is worth doing well
Susanne Schustin
You don't have to be a superhero to change the world. Sometimes all it takes is a small act of kindness, compassion or courage.
Camilla Legendre
With years gone, I have come to really appreciate my family, partner, close friends/acquaintances, good work colleagues, career, small business, interests, more and more. Though also realizing the need to prioritize where I am needed most, can be of value, but also ‘take care’ of myself just a little bit. Spreading myself too thin makes me less for others – this was somewhat an eye-opener – the need for self-care. I try to remind myself that I am just a human being, with many strong sides, and yet also some weak sides, some tough surfaces, but also sensitive points. One has to accept one self or at least try, and try yet again, and not be too hard to one self too much, if there is a day or period of time, when things just seem off, or feel misunderstood. Just as we are human, so are others. In being positive towards the world, challenges can be met with a positive energy – this is part of being a power woman (or person) – accepting that we can make mistakes, but want to better things next time. In my every day, I try to bring this little go-to attitude to my career, business, personal relationships. So back to my inspirational quote, “life is not a rehearsal, try your best to just ‘live’ it “
Xin Yao
Let life surprise you–say yes and bring it on.
Regitze Siggaard
Smile at the world and the world smiles at you.
Michela Annfeldt
You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. - Marcus Aurelius
Trine Dyhr Hansen
You don't have to be like everybody else.You don't have to fit into the norm. You are not here to conform. I am here to take a look inside myself. Recognize that I could be the eye, the eye of the storm. - Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land
Ivanna Rosendal
What you're best at is often what you think is nothing special.
Cecilie Burkal
Fighting and not giving up is part of my DNA. I'm attracted to challenges where others say no, and knowing that it's almost impossible is an important motivation for me.
Jackie Ameri
Love, understand and nurture yourself. And most importantly, talk to yourself the same way you would do with your love ones.
Catalina Ciucu
When a woman becomes her own best friend, life is easier - Diana Von Furstenberg
Telley Melby
Be wise and prudent, and realize that strength is within yourself. Then when the wind blows and the earth shakes, you will remain steadfast as the mountains, supple as the water and will shine like the sun.
Hanne Kampler
Go figure out something!
Ann-Kirstine Simonsen
I’m done learning, the day I outsmart Google.
Maria Clemmensen
Remember, being happy doesn't mean you have it all. It simply means you're thankful for all you have.
Terese Hoffeldt
Diamonds are made under pressure
Tina Pårup
I am my own product and achieve success by being authentic and true to myself. I believe that things can be done with my drive and by trying hard.
Trine Glad
Jeanette Juhl Hansen
Remember to celebrate both your successes and failures - you learn from both.
Anja Lisborg
Understand me. I'm not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul.
Tanya Slavova
I haven't tried that before, so I'm probably good at it. - Pippi Longstocking
Tina Ilsted
Mobilizing power when the odds are against you requires a focus that goes beyond yourself.
Rebecca Holmberg Jensen
I walk my own path.
Eline Halborg-Bendtsen
There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
Sarah Millerton
It is difficult to follow your dream. It is a tragedy not to.
Birgitte Vosper
I've never done that before, so I can definitely do it. - Pippi Longstocking
Katrine Rosengren Norup
Don't find fault, find a solution. - Henry Ford
Gritt Ellesoe
Make the choice today that will make a big difference tomorrow.
Lene Mikkelsen
We are born courageous explorers. We grow up - learning to fit in. Stop fitting in. Stay creative.
Sarah Lund Morrison
Stay Wild!
Ann-Kristine Waldorf
Feel the fear and do it anyway! - Susan Jeffers.
Caroline Rossmeisl
Well, you get what you settle for. – Thelma & Louise
Amalie Lange
The world belongs to the brave!
Rikke Maj Thauer
Be wild and be calm. Move your body and seek the stillness of your mind. Then you can hear your body and your truth.
Stina Bavnhøj
Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right! - Henry Ford
Susanne Herman
Become the inspiration you see is missing. Even if you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it!
Mette Luxhøj
”Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt
Dagmara Szkolnicka
Life is not a rehearsal, try your best to just ‘live’ it.
Jacqueline Wanja Nyoro
If not now, when?
Rebecca Connée
Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Courage means you don’t let fear stop you. - Bethany Hamilton
Tove Hejbøl
If you're unsure whether to do something or not, always do it.
Pernille Dahlgaard
If I had one hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem, and 5 minutes thinking about the solution. - Albert Einstein
Anne Fleischer
There are no bad ideas, it is rather wrong people or wrong timing.
Lesya Logvinenko
It's not tomorrow, it's NOW that matters. Today is our life! - Buddha
Lene Kvist-Madsen
Success is individual, define it and own it, knowing you have the ability to create your own reality.
Florence Charamba Christensen
Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything - Marilyn Monroe
Annica Flade
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt
Saila Roitto
I used to think timing was everything. I have since learned that now is the time for everything. - Stella Mowen
Silje Arnesen
Please don’t die with your gifts still inside. - Amber Rae
Sruthi Surendran
I never loose –I either win or learn. - Nelson Mandela
Anne-Sofie Nielskov
You can get it all, but not at the same time - Michelle Obama
Sarah Jakobsen
Properly used, life is long enough. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Anne Birgitte Lindholm
You are braver than you think, stronger than you look and smarter than you know. - Winnie the Pooh
Sanne Markwall
It always seems impossible until it’s done. - Nelson Mandela
Mirella Hansen
What energizes me is when people around me flourish.
Jeanette Thielfoldt
The most important thing in life is to respect other people.
Mia Rask Vendelbjerg
This too shall pass.
Pernille Sandberg Bech
Take chances and pursue your dreams. Accept that failure equals growth. The worst that can happen is that you learn a lot along the way. At best, you'll find out that your dreams were too modest.
Louise Witt Sengeløv
Shine with your work, take a seat and trust that what you bring to the table makes a difference.
Karen Toftegaard
When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. - Wayne Dyer
Cecilia Aurelia Katz
Coach me and I will learn, Challenge me and I will grow, Believe in me and I will win.
Birgit Falk Riecke
Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about - be kind. Chinese proverb
Camilla Møhl
I will find a way or make my own.
Aditi Singh
Be to others as you would like others to be to you.
Ditte Vigsø
You win or you learn.
Thea Larsen
Nothing is impossible... the impossible just takes a little longer.
Malin Marker Persson
Life is too short not to have a great job - Makio Outplacement
Marlene De Voss
My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfectly in my weakness and the things we hoped for.
Mildred Samula
We’ll handle that.
Mette Bøgelund
The changes won't come if we wait for another person or another time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the changes we seek. - Obama
Anne Søgaard
Trust in life - that life is good for you. Things work out - not always as you expected, but somehow you get what you need. - Gitte Holtze
Charlotte Gøttler
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
Lea Silving Petersen
Life is a morning gift. - Halfdan Rasmussen
Rie Saaby