Explore the 2023 Edition of 100 Portraits of Copenhagen's Power Women

An Exhibition on Gender, Power, and Diversity

The goal of the 100 Portraits of Copenhagen’s Power Women 2023 edition is to ignite conversations about the diverse facets of Power in women, challenging stereotypes and opening dialogue. lt aims to humanize the concept of Power, showing that it doesn’t fit one mold or one gender. By highlighting individual traits through carefully sculpted portraits, the project allows viewers to find pieces of themselves or their loved ones in the subjects. All of this feeds into a larger dialogue about gender, power, and how we see these constructs in society.

Introduction: A Pro-People Project Inspired by UN’s World Development Goal No. 5

Welcome to the 100 Portraits Exhibition, a project that goes beyond mere photography to become a socio-artistic shift aiming for a more balanced and equitable society. Our inspiration stems from the United Nations’ World Development Goal number five—Gender Equality. But what does gender equality mean to us?

We see gender equality not as a zero-sum game where one gender is elevated above another, but as a harmonious balance. We aim to stop the pendulum from swinging from one extreme to another and find a middle ground—a common narrative that acknowledges each other’s differences, strengths, and weaknesses. We believe that complementing each other is the key to a better future.

We are a pro-people project, and our mission is to connect like-minded individuals who share some of our core values. While we may not agree on everything, we find unity in our common goals and aspirations. This exhibition is not just a showcase of portraits; it’s a platform for dialogue, for sharing, and for collective growth.

So, as you navigate through these carefully sculpted portraits and engage with the narratives, remember that this is also a space for you to share and be heard. We invite you to join us in this journey towards a more inclusive understanding of power, diversity, and gender.

Our concept

At this one-of-a-kind exhibition, you’re not just a spectator-you’re a participant. Navigate through portraits of 100 diverse women from Copenhagen while pondering questions that could win you your own photoshoot. More than an art display, this is a collective exploration into what power, diversity, and gender mean to us. Here, you’re not only inspired, you’re also given the space to share and be heard.

When we talk about power, we often focus on traditional traits like strength and assertiveness. But what about the subtler factors that shape influence? Traits like empathy, emotional intelligence, and even sensual capital—the social value accrued from physical attractiveness or charisma—often enter the conversation. In this exhibition, you’ll encounter women who embody a rich tapestry of qualities, some traditionally considered feminine, others not. Each wields her own form of power.

Does the feminine factor, infused with elements of sensual capital, shape that power differently? Or is the concept of power more individualistic, transcending gender and appearance? This question invites contemplation but defies simple answers. As you explore this visual journey, ponder how the feminine factor—and sensual capital—resonate with your own ideas of power.

What you’re seeing here isn’t just an exhibit; it’s a mirror reflecting a myriad of stories, talents, and voices that shape the fabric of Copenhagen. These power women could be anyone—a neighbor, a friend, a colleague. And though their faces may be unfamiliar, their stories are universal. This project, while celebrating women, extends beyond gender. Its essence is about human power: the ability we all possess to create change, to influence, and to inspire. These portraits are more than images; they’re a catalyst for reflection and dialogue. As you encounter these images, consider them not just as portraits but as windows into diverse worlds. Find the one that mirrors you, not just in appearance but in spirit. Because discovering someone who shares your story, taste in music, or even a favorite quote can be a transformative moment. It’s not just seeing; it’s recognizing, and in that recognition, finding empowerment.

Each woman in the exhibit has a special banner at the bottom of her profile. This banner is created by Artificial intelligence, which uses the personal stories and details each woman has shared to design a unique symbol just for her. Think of it as a digital charm that captures something essential about the person. lt’s a modern, fun twist that makes each profile even more special.


As you explore each woman’s profile, you’ll find it layered with meaning – infused with her personal story, favorite quote, chosen symbol, resonant colors, and even a song that represents her. This multifaceted approach offers a deeper look into the unique dimensions of each featured woman, inviting you to engage more fully with the exhibition.

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